As always when I read your work, I wonder how it is possible that you are you but that somehow you are also me.

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I get that a lot lol

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Exactly my thoughts! Para-social twinsies. From the glory of the One True Autumn to the soup necessity. My personal choice was the pipeline to Florida from the DC area. 🌞🌞🌞

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My parents moved from Montana for a reason. It was a four letter word that beginning with S.

Yeah. That one.

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Hilarious! Love your work so much!

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Thank you!

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Great article, I still love winter though, lol. The Shining reference was hilarious.

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Your essays never fail to make me smile and, which can be frustrating for me...and for my co-worker, ..you always provide oodles of emminently quotable lines, so thank you. And more power to your elbow.

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Ugggghhh yahhhhhh.

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Truth, all of it. And SO WELL said Jonathan.

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I miss Autumn. New York used to have a proper, gorgeous, glorious Autumn. Now it is just pre-Winter. Stupid climate change.

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I miss old autumn too

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Cabin-bound for the last five days as I'm reading this, so yes! Soup has saved me. Delicious beef and barley soup. And alcohol. Should we talk about the alcohol? Nah!

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Love beef and barley soup

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So funny, oh so many good moments! But also I love winter - not for the weather but for the quiet down time to get stuff done because during Summer I'm busy being in the ocean. ;)

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Kermit agrees!

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Thank you for this post. A much-needed reminder for me to make soup.

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Do ittttttt

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Right there with you. Except, when you wrote "Autumn," I think you meant "Spring."

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Nooooooope 😉

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I'm a Southerner. What is s-n-o-w? After, and by that I mean if, we survive hurricane season, we sync up with you and have the Holidays. Might be cooler. Might not. Then we have January and February. We're not sure it's winter but the bugs are fewer and we stay below 70, so maybe? Then we have Sprinter from March through May. It might be spring, but I'm in NORTH Carolina so it might revert back to cold. Idk. Then we have 4 glorious months of Hell's Front Porch before, yep, you guessed it, Hurricane season. Just another trip around the sun. 🌞🌞

Loved the Shining reference...all work and no play...🤣🤣

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As someone who lives where the seasons are summer, still summer, summer with pumpkins, and deer season, I've never really understood winter. It looks intriguing. Our few, nonconsecutive weeks below 50 degrees is what we call winter down here. It's nice unless it comes with that nasty ice stuff (we don't get actual snow in the south). Then it's fights at the Piggly Wiggly and rednecks in pick-ups rescuing people who've crashed into ditches. At least the rednecks are good for something...

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We agree that the stretch between New Years and...like April is a misery of cold and slush with far too few cheerful holidays.

To combat that while also taking the opportunity to thumb the nose at Valentine's day (we don't like spending money, so a whole holiday that wants to measure how much you love someone by how much money you're willing to spend on them is...not appealing) a couple years ago we had friends over in mid-February for tiki drinks, and our annual tiki night has now become an official tradition and grown to include a significant portion of our social circle.

Would recommend if you need to add an extra holiday to your winter calendar.

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